Parsin exchange

The first
specialized currency
consulting center

Exchange Rate

Dollar exchange rates in rials, with changes

Country Name and currency unit Purchase rate Selling rate Date Chart
Country Name and currency unit Purchase rate Selling rate Date Chart
آمریکا آمریکا دلار ($) +226 | 25800 +220 | 26050 2022-05-29 08:34:31
اتحادیه اروپا اتحادیه اروپا یورو (€) -300 | 28050 -303 | 28330 2022-05-29 08:40:22
انگلیس انگلیس پوند (£) +11900 | 37200 +11900 | 37600 2022-05-29 08:59:04
کانادا کانادا دلار کانادا ($) +2000 | 24100 +2000 | 24500 2022-05-29 08:59:27
استرالیا استرالیا دلار استرالیا ($) +1300 | 21000 +1300 | 21500 2022-05-29 08:59:54
عربستان عربستان ریال عربستان (ر.س) +550 | 7750 +550 | 7950 2022-05-29 09:00:14
امارات امارات درهم امارات (د.إ) +540 | 8140 +540 | 8340 2022-05-29 09:00:33
عراق عراق دینار عراق (ع.د) -500 | 18500 -900 | 19500 2022-04-26 11:14:39
بحرین بحرین دینار بحرین (.د.ب) -68000 | 0 -73000 | 0 2022-04-26 11:15:28
ترکیه ترکیه لیر (TL) +100 | 2050 +50 | 2100 2022-05-29 09:00:51

Digital Exchange Rates

Digital currency buying and selling rates in dollars and rials, along with changes and charts

Attention: Rates are for information only

Update rates Date
2024-10-22 06:59:06
Rating Name and currency unit Price(dollar) Price(toman) 7 Days 24 Hours 1 Hour Chart Market value Turnover
(24 Hours)
Rating Name and currency unit Price(dollar) Price(toman) 7 Days 24 Hours 1 Hour Chart Market value Turnover
(24 Hours)
1 Bitcoin بیت کوین
Bitcoin - BTC
67,372/00 1,755,040,600 2.53% -2.13% -0.22% $1,332,034,862 K $41,310,541 K
2 Ethereum اتریوم
Ethereum - ETH
2,641/23 68,804,042 0.55% -3.49% -0.20% $318,015,323 K $17,568,138 K
3 Tether تتر
Tether - USDT
0/999455 26,036 -0.02% -0.04% 0.01% $120,144,120 K $31,279,939 K
4 BNB coins.BNB
598/29 15,585,455 1.39% -0.90% -0.06% $87,282,834 K $882,952 K
5 Solana coins.Solana
Solana - SOL
165/86 4,320,653 5.40% -1.83% -0.74% $77,980,426 K $4,665,033 K


Calculate and convert digital and paper currencies into one another

why Choose Us

Authorized and valid

Official license of the Central Bank of the Islamic Republic of Iran

Has professional staff

We are proud to have sufficient currency and money transfer experience and with our experience we can offer you the best currency solution.

Best rate and highest speed

Providing cash and money transfer services at the best possible rates and fees and by providing the fastest time possible for international money transfers and paper currency

About Us

Ruhollah Janantar & Partners Co-Authorized Company with official license from the Central Bank of the Islamic Republic of Iran
To the license number 133299

Parsin Currency Exchange Service

- Buy and sell all paper currencies and gold coins

- Currency trading in the central bank of the Islamic Republic of Iran(Nima System)

- Sending corporate and personal currency remittances to all over the world by submitting an official invoice

- Buy and sell remittances EIH and Kunlun

- Cash transfers to neighboring countries (Iraq, Afghanistan, Oman, United Arab Emirates, Turkey, etc.), Europe and Canada ...

- Import foreign currency by providing official invoice

- Advice on digital currency trading (crypto trading)

- The first specialized free advice center on banknotes, remittances, Open LC credit, Digital currency, coins and coins

Parsin exchange

Parsin exchange

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